Published: 10/19/2004 22:31:25
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An Open Source Firewall project


Welcome to the Open Firewall website

This site is about a new Open Source Project. This project is a Firewall using application level gateways.
But, the difference with other projects is that we do not want to develop all parts of the project, but we have a vision of what a firewall could be and how it may be used in small business structures.
In this site, you can find some docs, drawings, ideas and so on.

We have released the 0.2.x core system of the firewall, but it is just a pre-alpha test only release ... so come back .

This project has been initiated by Nicolas Bélan (myself).
Some guys support and help me enough to get their name here: Franck Depierre, Laurent Hausermann.
Please look at documentations for more information about the project.

All documents (thanks to Apache Forrest !) are readable using PDF reader. To get schemas in them, I have tested acroread5 on FreeBSD (Linux version) and Acrobat Reader 6 (c) on Windows. Some reports that Acrobat Reader 5.0 on Windows do not open correctly documents. So you may upgrade your version to read PDF files.